Saturday, May 26, 2012

Storyboard Draft 2

Draft 2 of our storyboard after making the changes Miss Deda told us to work on.

P.S Just realized that some of the shots looks weird especially for page 6, panel 45-48, with the camera moving in, out, in and out again. Will work on it and update this post soon.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Character and Environment Design Draft

Some of our attempts on character and environment design. Applying what we've learn in Visual Development Classes. More of our attempts will be uploaded/updated soon.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Finalized Story

A beggar lives in the underground passage with his dog. His life depends on the charity of the passerby. Even as he only receives some small change, it’s enough to buy him some bread to survive. Although it looks very lackluster, he continues to smile, playing with his dog everyday.

Until one day, a well-dressed passerby puts $100 in his hat. The beggar was very surprised. He had never received such a large amount of money before. Therefore he remembered the man’s looks. The next day, the same person did the same thing and does it for the third day too. This situation continues and lasted a dozen days. The beggar was very happy that he can receive $100 of alms per day, so he starts to plan for his future. However, by the 16th day, the beggar stop seeing the mysterious man at the usual time. He began to felt uneasy, but still expects. He comfort himself: that the reason for his disappearance might be he was sick. He will surely appear tomorrow, don’t worry, everything will be fine.

The next day, since the early morning, the beggar begins to stare at the direction that the person usually appears. He looks forward filled with eager expectancy. But as the usual time passes, that person still doesn’t shows up. That went on the same for the next seven days. The beggar stop taking in food or drink and just sat there, he keeps his eyes off staring at the direction of the mysterious man have appeared. His dog was hungry. It holds his hat in its mouth and issues the sound of sobbing. Even so, the beggar remained motionless. He was afraid that once he left, the mysterious man would appear. The day continues, until he is too weak and cannot wait anymore….

Moral of story: Habits are terrible. It makes us have a standard, an expectation, and makes us feel we can take it for granted.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Story Ideas

This are some stories we've pitched but fail to make the mark.

Character: A young boy

A room filled with space related stuff [poster etc.]

We see our main character making his way to a pair of goggles on his bed. Next we see him wearing the goggle. The entire room started to change. He found himself wafting through space. Feeling excited and fascinated by the beauty of space he tried reaching out to touch a star and saw the he was now equipped with a pair of space gloved. As he reaches out a second time, he found himself donning a space suit. And lastly for the last time he found himself in a pair of space boots. Slowly, he descended from space and landed on the moon. He spotted a bear [scene changes to present room where he say he's toy bear]. Back to his imagination, as he took a stepped back as the bear blew towards him. He scuffled with the bear before falling back to reality, with his room in a mess. Room door opens, we see a silhouette of a woman, the boy ran towards the door leaving the goggle on the bed... Zooms in on the goggle and the story ends.

Moral of story: Imagination can take you to distance


Characters: A young, well-dressed cute girl, A filthy young tramp
Time of the day: Almost to evening
Story Synopsis:
A tramp was being driven out of a store while being shunned by most of the passerby. Trying to get away from the judging eyes of the remaining on lookers, he trudged his way to the corner of a dark alley. It was there that a filthy dog approached him with a piece of baguette in its mouth. Placing it in front of him and seemingly prodding him to take. The young tramp shook his head before giving a weary smile as he signal for the dog to take the bread back. One of the backdoor from the alley swiftly open, seconds after. He looked up, meeting the eye of the girl who was well dressed, running out of the shop in panic before fading into the crowd from the main road. As he bow his head, he noticed a beautiful doll that was dropped by the girl. He picks it up; determine to return the doll to its “owner”. Just then, another guy came out from the same door, pointing towards the tramp, *angrily. The tramp shook his head, denying it adamantly while concealing the doll under his top. The passerby who was around him at the point of time ganged up and started throwing punches as he fell on the floor, crouching, protecting the doll with all his might. After the crowd disperses, he took out the doll gingerly, while examining it at the same time. Convinced that the doll was intact, he ran aimlessly to the street searching for the little girl. As he was about to lose hope, the door in front of him opened, and there he saw the same girl making her way out of the store. He handed the doll gladly to the girl while a series of expression flashes across the girl’s face. (Surprise but fear →lift up her eyebrow like her does not even glance at it → calm). Giving her sweetest smile, she took the doll and flings it to the ground. The scene ends off with the street lights shone of both characters and through the shadow, you’ll see that the tramp’s look like an angel while the girl’s a devil.

*This part was the part he was accuse as the thief and since we wouldn’t be able to add dialogues for this... We’ll have to show it through their body language.

Moral of the story: Never judge a person by its cover