Sunday, July 15, 2012


Posting the latest edits.

This is the final edit we did before our presentation, will be posting the improvise version of it, once we're done.

Model Sheet

Colour Test

Colour Script
Some Colour Scripts we did that we might use for out animatics. More script to be up soon.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Changes to be made

Changes to be make or things to work on:
-Change the title maybe to expectation instead
-Extend the timing of the panels for the ones that's going to fast in the animatic
-Work on our storyboard's perspective
-Do a basic environment set in 3d so that the perspective for our storyboard would be better
-Change the eye of the richman so that it's fit with the beggar and the dog, and don't seem like a character from somewhere else.

Things that can be started:
-Modelling our character

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Font test for title

We decided to pick the word "Expectancy" as our title as we feel that its a word best describe the state the beggar is in our story. He's always been expecting and hoping for the rich man to come along to donate a huge sum of money even after he's gone for a long period of time and shown no sign of returning. Picked out some fonts that we might be using for the title.

We've decided to go with the "crumbled" font because, it gives the "ragged" feeling one would get when looking at tattered cloth. Added some texture too in this case. The font might be subjected to some minor changes when we're doing the actual animatics.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Background stuff

Composing the background.
The Background in different angles

We've decided to pick the 3rd angle and base the lighting upon this.

The lightings for the background, even though in this case, we don't think we'll be using the dramatic lighting at all.

Bird's eye view of the street.

We'll get the application of style and colour script up soon.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012